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Könyvklub, Budapest 1996 - László Ervin: Harmadik évezred, A Budapest Klub első jelentése, Budapest, Új
paradigma, 1998 - Joel Bainerman, The Crimes of a President, New York, 1992
- G. Edward Griffin, The Creature from Jekyl Island, Westlake Village, CA, 1995
- Noam Chomsky, World Orders Old and New, Columbia University Press, New
York, 1996 - William Greider, Secrets of the Temple, Touchstone Book, New York, 1987
- Ron Chernow, The Warburgs, Vintage Books, New York, 1993
- Pat Robertson, Új Világrend, Budapest, 1993
- Johannes Rothkranz, Die kommende Diktatur der Humanitat, I, II, III, Pro Fide
Catholica, Durach 1993 - Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr., Who's Who of the Elite, RIE, San Marcos, Texas, 1995
- Eustace Mullins, The World Order, Staunton, VA, 1992
- Eustace Mullins, The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, Staunton, VA, 1991
- William Engdahl, Mit der Ölwaffe zur Weltmacht, Der Weg zur neuen
Weltordnung, Wiesbaden, 1993 - Jan van Helsing, Geheimgesellschaften, Ewertverlag, Meppen, 1993
- Lyndon LaRouche, The Road To Recovery, Leesburg, VA, 1999
- James W. Wardner, The Planned Destruction of America, DeBary, FL, 1994
- William Guy Carr, Pawns In The Game, Palmdale, CA, 1958
- Wright Patman, A Primer On Money and Money Facts, Washington, 1964
- L. Fletcher Prouty, The Secret Team, Costa Mesa, CA, 1973
Forrás: 2002
Dr. Drábik János: Uzsoracivilizáció
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