022.1 Cycle Touring India - Part 1

(Leana) #1

In India there was a considerable amount of kissing the ground.
Every day, on reaching my destination, I felt like doing the same,
seeing I was at the bottom of the traffic pecking order. In saying that,
I still loved India.

Dehradun – Rishikesh - 49 km

At last, the weather cleared, and we resumed our ride to Rishikesh, a
pleasurable route past tiny settlements, and green rice fields. Luckily,
the ride wasn’t far as I was unwell (the onset of dengue fever). I
stopped numerous times to fill my water bottle, which annoyed
Ernest no end.

Still, we reached Rishikesh early, and I settled for a lovely place on
the Ganges overlooking two 13-storey temples across the Lakshman
Jhula suspension bridge. It turned out to be a fortunate choice, as it
unexpectedly became home for the next ten days.

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