(Autumn Admireceo1iq) #1

So they’d travel to Akkadia. Within a few
days, they’d enter the flat plains, and then the
distant dried hills beyond. Once the winter
rains began, the plain would be green, lush—
but after the scorching summer, the lands
were still brown and wheat-colored, water
He’d ensure they stocked up at the next
river. Enough for the horses, too. Food might
be in short supply, but there was game to be
found on the plains. Scrawny rabbits and
small, furred things that burrowed in the
cracked earth. Precisely the sort of food Aelin
would cringe to eat.
Gavriel noticed the movement at their
camp and padded over, massive paws silent
even on the bone-dry grass. Tawny,
inquisitive eyes blinked at him.
Rowan shook his head at the unspoken
question. “Get some sleep. I’ll take over.”

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