brother to two others—who in turn had
sundered the Wyrdkeys from the gate, and
ripped through worlds to find her.
That the three Valg kings had broken into
this world only to be halted here, unaware that
their prey now lurked on a throne in
Doranelle, had been a strange twist of fate.
Only Erawan remained here of those three
kings, brother to Orcus, Maeve’s husband.
What would he pay to know who she truly
It was a question, perhaps, for others to
ponder. To consider how to wield.
Falkan dropped into a swooping dive
through the cloud cover, and Nesryn followed.
Cold, misty air ripped at her, but Nesryn
leaned into the descent, Salkhi trailing Falkan
without command. For a minute, only clouds
flowed past, and then—
White cliffs rose from the gray waves, and
autumn admireceo1iq
(Autumn Admireceo1iq)