(Autumn Admireceo1iq) #1

traveled for thousands of miles to find their
queen, and yet the tightness that coiled in
Elide’s gut at those words somehow found
space. Lorcan’s lover. This delicate beauty
with a bedroom voice had been Lorcan’s
“I’ll be missed if I’m gone for too long, but
tell them who I am. Tell them that I told you.
If it’s Cairn they seek, that is where he shall
be. His precise location, I don’t know.” Essar
backed away a step. “Don’t go asking after
Cairn at other taverns. He isn’t well regarded,
even amongst the soldiers. And those who do
follow him ... You do not wish to attract their
Essar made to turn away, but Elide blurted,
“Where did Maeve go?”
Essar looked over her shoulder. Studied
her. The female’s eyes widened. “She has
Aelin of the Wildfire,” Essar breathed.

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