(Autumn Admireceo1iq) #1

She’d endured Maeve and Cairn; she’d
endured Endovier and countless other horrors
and losses. She could have this conversation
with him. The first step toward rebuilding
Aelin knew Rowan could hear her
thundering heart as the space between them
went taut. She swallowed once. “Elide and
Lorcan told you ... told you everything that
was said on that beach.”
A curt nod, wariness flooding his eyes.
“Everything that Maeve said.”
Another nod.
She braced herself. “That I’m—we’re
Understanding and something like relief
replaced that wariness. “Yes.”
“I’m your mate,” she said, needing to voice
it. “And you are mine.”
Rowan crossed the room, but halted a few

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