Diplomacy and Trade in the Chinese World, 589-1276

(Jeff_L) #1
the northeast 205

tung in the 9th month (Sep./Oct.) of 732. Hsüan-tsung now planned
a double-pronged attack on Po-hai. Men-yi was to invade it with a
Chinese army from the southwest, while Silla agreed to do so from
the south. The war commenced in the 1st month (Jan./Feb.) of 733
but had to be abandoned because of a harsh winter. Wu-yi retaliated
by attempting to have Men-yi murdered. His agents stabbed him at
the T’ien-chin Bridge of Lo-yang. Men-yi resisted and survived. The
assassins were arrested and executed (Chiu T’ang shu 199A:12a; 199B:
12b;Tzu-chih t’ung-chien p.6799; Wen-hsien t’ung-k’ao 326:58a).
Relations between Po-hai and T’ang thereafter returned to normal,
and in the 3rd month (Mar./Apr.) of 735 a younger brother of the
king of the Po-hai Mo-ho arrived at the T’ang court (Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei
In the 9th month (Oct./Nov.) of 736, the Yüeh-hsi Mo-ho presented
regional objects (Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei p.5029).
In the 1st month (Feb./Mar.) of 737, a Po-hai Mo-ho chief was
received at the T’ang court. In the 4th month (May/June) of the same
year, a Po-hai official presented falcons (Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei p.5029).
In the intercalary month (Sep./Oct.) of 738, Po-hai Mo-ho envoys
offered 1000 leopard furs and 100 dried striped fish (Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei
During 738, the king of the Po-hai Mo-ho, Ta Wu-yi, fell ill and
died,^13 and his son Ch’in-mao inherited the throne. Hsüan-tsung
dispatched a Palace Attendant to condole and sacrifice, to appoint
Ch’in-mao as General-in-chief of the Resolute Guards of the Left,
General-in-chief of the Golden Mace of the Left, and Military Gov-
ernor of the non-existant Hu-han Area Command, and to recognize
him as king of Po-hai. Ch’in-mao sent envoys to follow the Palace
Attendant back to the T’ang court and offer gifts (Chiu T’ang shu 9:
2b; 199B:12b).
In the 2nd month (Mar./Apr.) of 739, envoys from the king of the
Po-hai Mo-ho presented falcons. In the 10th month (Nov./Dec.) of
the same year, a high Po-hai official thanked [for the recognition]
(Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei p.5029).
In the 2nd month (March) of 740, high officials of the Yüeh-hsi
Mo-ho and T’ieh-li Mo-ho offered regional objects. In the 10th month

(^13) The date is according to Chiu T’ang shu 9:2b. 199B:12b states that Wu-yi died
in 737.

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