Diplomacy and Trade in the Chinese World, 589-1276

(Jeff_L) #1

212 the northeast

“products from east of the sea” to the Later Liang court (Hsin Wu-tai
shih2:1b;Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei p.5033, Wen-hsien t’ung-k’ao 326:58a).
On Feb.29, 908, Po-hai envoys to the Later Liang court offered
gifts (Hsin Wu-tai shih 2:2b; Wu-tai hui-yao 30:8b; Wen-hsien t’ung-k’ao
On Mar.29, 909, a high official of the king of Po-hai offered men and
women, sable furs, and bear skins to the Later Liang court (Hsin Wu-tai
shih 2:3b; Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei p.5034; Wen-hsien t’ung-k’ao 326:58a).
In the 5th month (May/June) of 912, royal sons from Po-hai of -
fered regional objects to the Later Liang court. Emperor T’ai-tsu gave
them rich gifts (Wu-tai hui-yao 30:8b; Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei p.5034; Wen-hsien
t’ung-k’ao 328:58a).
In the 2nd month (Mar./Apr.) of 918, Po-hai envoys to the Khitan
court offered gifts (Liao shih 1:10a-10b).
On Feb.24, 924, a son of the king of Po-hai, offered gifts to the Later
T’ang court. Emperor Chuang-tsung paid with gold and silk. In the
8th month (Sep./Oct.), a nephew of the king of Po-hai arrived to study
at the Later T’ang Academy. He was made a Probationary Assistant
at the Directorate of Education (Chiu Wu-tai shih 31:3a;Wu-tai hui-yao
30:8b;Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei p.5034; Wen-hsien t’ung-k’ao 325:58a).
In the 5th month (June/July) of 924, envoys from the king of Po-hai
to the Later T’ang court offered gifts (Chiu wu-tai shih 32:2a; Ts’e-fu
yüan-kuei p. 5034).
On Mar.15, 925, envoys from the king of Po-hai to the Later T’ang
court offered fabrics, a coverlet of sable fur, six hoes and delicate
women. In the 5th month (May/June), the chief envoy was presented
with a purple and gold fish wallet (Hsin Wu-tai shih 5:8a;Wu-tai hui-yao
30:9a;Ts’e-fu yüan-kuei p.5034; Wen-hsien t’ung-k’ao 326:58a).
In 925 and in the 4th month (May/June) of 926, Po-hai envoys to
the Later T’ang court offered gifts (Hsin Wu-tai shih 6:4a; Wen-hsien
At some time before 926, Po-hai also sent a mission to the king of
Wu-yüeh, Ch’ien Liu (Chiu wu-tai shih 133:16a).
On Feb.28, 926, Ta Yin-chuan surrendered to the Khitan, and the
kingdom of Po-hai came to an end. A Po-hai mission of 116 men, which
was received by the Later T’ang court in the 4th month (May/June) of

huang was succeeded by Hsüan-hsi. The relationship is unknown, and no dates are
given. The last king of Po-hai was Ta Yin-chuan.

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