Diplomacy and Trade in the Chinese World, 589-1276

(Jeff_L) #1

256 the southwest


641: 100 items of valuables.
727: Several 100 valuable vessels.



837: cotton fabrics.
942: white cotton fabrics from An-hsi.


805: silk.
942: Persian brocade.


837: court garments.


942: uncut gems.

It can be seen that the majority of these goods came from Tibet, that
horses were a favourite item of sale, and that the Tibetans were fine
gold and silversmiths. But some of the items reached China in transit,
such as Persian brocade and cotton fabrics from An-hsi.
The Chinese paid with silks, garments, belts, gold, vessels, drugs,
tiger skins, and, beginning with Sung, tea.
In addition to the state founded by Srong- btsan-sgam-po, the Chi-
nese sources mention six^33 other Tibetan principalities which existed
for a while and had relations with China:

(^33) Five are discussed here, the sixth in the chapter on Ch’ing-hai.

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