A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

... he who takes no perquisite, who takes up the cause of the weak,
Is pleasing to Shamash, who lengthens his life.
The judicious judge, who gives equitable judgments,
Has the palace at his command, makes the seat of princes his place.


AS Edict of Ammi-ßaduqa
CC Covenant Code
HL Hittite Laws
LE Laws of Eshnunna
LH Laws of Hammurabi
LL Laws of Lipit-Ishtar
LOx Law about Rented Oxen
LU Laws of Ur-Namma
MAL Middle Assyrian Laws
NBL Neo-Babylonian Laws
SLEx Sumerian Laws Exercise Tablet
SLHF Sumerian Laws Handbook of Forms


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