A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

  1071

Neo-Sumerian Period, 205–206
Mesopotamia Old Babylonian
Period, 412
treaties from third millennium, 247
Agriculture administration. See also
Fields; Vineyards
Middle Kingdom and Second
Intermediate Period, 260, 262,
270, 272
Old Kingdom and First Intermediate
Period, 100–103, 108
Israel, 1017
Neo-Sumerian Period, 191, 214
Nuzi, 598, 599
Ahhiyawa (Mycenaean Greeks), 758
dictionaries, 10
Edict of Telipinu in, 6
in first millennium, 912, 917
as lingua franca in second millennium,
23, 751, 765, 766
transactional records in, 11
Alalakh Level IV (fifteenth century),
administration, 704
adoption, 711
children, 710
citizenship, 706
class, 706–707
constitutional and administrative law,
contracts, 712–713
courts, 704–705
crime and delict, 715–716
family, 708–711
gender and age, 707
gifts, 713
inheritance, 712
king, 704
land tenure, 711
litigation, 705–706
loans, 713–714
marriage, 708–710
organs of government, 704–705
personal status, 706–708
property, 711–712
punishment, 716
slavery, 707–708
sources of law, 12, 703–704
suretyship, 715

theft, 715
treaties, 703, 704, 715, 754
Alalakh Level VII (Old Babylonian
period), 693–702
administration, 695–696
Alalakh, 693–702
compulsory service, 697
constitutional and administrative law,
contracts, 694, 700–702
courts, 696
deposit, 702
exchange, 700–701
family, 699
functions, 697
gift, 700–701
inheritance, 699–700
king, 694–695
legislature, 695
litigation, 697–698
loan, 701–702
organs of government, 694–696
personal status, 698–699
property, 699–700
sales, 700
sources of law, 693–694
status, 698–699
Alexander the Great, 2, 911
Israel, 1015–1016
Mesopotamia Middle Assyrian
Period, 551
Aliens, 37. See also Resident aliens
Egypt New Kingdom, 317
Israel, 1002
marriage with. See Marriage,
subheading: intermarriage
Middle Assyrian Period, 530
Middle Babylonian Period, 497
as slaves, 42. See also Conquered
enemies; Prisoners of war
Egypt New Kingdom, 317
Mesopotamia Old Babylonian
Period, 380
Alliances. See Treaties
Alteration. See Forgery
Alternative dispute resolution. See
Arbitration; Mediation
Amarna letters
Canaan, 738–743
Ambassadors. See Diplomacy
Ammitaqum. See Alalakh Level VII

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