A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

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Middle Assyrian Period, 559
Middle Babylonian Period, 496
Neo-Sumerian Period, 221
False swearing in name of a god, 34
Egypt New Kingdom, 346
Israel, 984, 996
Mesopotamia Old Babylonian
Period, 375
Family, 41, 44–54
adoption. See Adoption
Alalakh IV, 708–711
Alalakh VII, 699
children. See Children; Parent-child
divorce. See Divorce and dissolution
of marriage
Ebla, 232–233
Demotic Law, 835–838
Elephantine, 873–875
Middle Kingdom and Second
Intermediate Period, 274–276
New Kingdom, 322–328
Old Kingdom and First
Intermediate Period, 118–120
Third Intermediate Period, 798–801
Emar, 668–675
Hittite Kingdom, 634–637
Israel, 989, 1007–1015
as juristic entity
Egypt New Kingdom, 322
Late Bronze Age, 754–755
marriage. See Marriage
Early Dynastic and Sargonic
Periods, 160–163
Middle Assyrian Period, 532–533,
Middle Babylonian Period, 501–505
Neo-Assyrian Period, 894–897
Neo-Babylonian Period, 933–938
Neo-Sumerian Period, 200–205
Nuzi, 583, 587–592
Old Assyrian Period, 450–455
Old Babylonian Period, 385–393
remarriage. See Remarriage
slavery and, 43–44
suretyship role of
Mesopotamia Neo-Sumerian
Period, 216
Ugarit, 725–729
Father. See Inheritance; Parent-child
relationship; Patriarchical society;
Succession to paternal estate

Females. See Women
Fertile Crescent, 2
Feudal tenure, 54–55. See also Tenure
of property
Egypt Third Intermediate Period, 789
Emar, 661, 675
Feuds, 71
Fictitious loans
Mesopotamia Middle Assyrian
Period, 549
Fictitious suits, 18
Egypt New Kingdom, 310
Fields. See also Agriculture
lease of. See Agricultural lease; Hire,
subheading: land rental
Neo-Babylonian Period, 946
Nuzi, 598
Old Assyrian Period, 457, 465
Old Babylonian Period, 410–411
royal ownership. See King,
subheading: land ownership
sabbatical rules
Israel, 1017
temple ownership. See Temples,
subheading: land ownership
Emar, 672
Mesopotamia Middle Assyrian
Period, 538
Fines. See Penalties
Flogging, 75
Israel, 987, 998
Mesopotamia Neo-Babylonian
Period, 966
Food restrictions
Israel, 1002
at temples
Egypt Demotic Law, 854
Forced labor. See also Compulsory
service; Corvée
as punishment, 75
Israel, 1022–1023
Foreign nationals. See Resident aliens
Foreign relations. See Diplomacy;
International law; International relations
Foreigners. See Aliens
Forensic witnesses
Egypt Old Kingdom and First
Intermediate Period, 110
Egypt New Kingdom, 312

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