A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1
Mesopotamia Middle Assyrian
Period, 526, 560
Ugarit, 734
Fratriarchy. See Division; Joint
Fraud, 81
Hittite Kingdom, 650
Israel, 1038
Neo-Babylonian Period, 964
Neo-Sumerian Period, 220
Old Babylonian Period, 421–422
Free persons, 37
Alalakh IV, 706
Alalakh VII, 698
Canaan, 741
Middle Kingdom and Second
Intermediate Period, 269
New Kingdom, 316
Third Intermediate Period, 795
Emar, 663
Hittite Kingdom, 632
Neo-Babylonian Period, 926
Neo-Sumerian Period, 197, 218
Nuzi, 578, 581
Old Assyrian Period, 447
Old Babylonian Period, 377, 379, 380
Ugarit, 723
Freed slaves. See also Manumission
Neo-Babylonian Period, 926
Neo-Sumerian Period, 197
Frivolous suits
Mesopotamia Old Babylonian
Period, 371
asylum to, 86
third millennium treaties
forbidding, 248
extradition of, 86
Alalakh IV, 708
Late Bronze Age treaties, 762
Mesopotamia Middle Babylonian
Period, 497
release of those held as security for
absentee fugitives
Egypt Middle Kingdom and
Second Intermediate Period, 265
runaway slaves. See Runaway slaves
Mesopotamia Middle Assyrian
Period, 552

Funerals. See Death ceremonies and

Egypt New Kingdom, 301, 302
“elder of the gate”
Egypt Third Intermediate Period, 791
Gender and age, 38–40. See also
age of majority. See Age of majority
Alalakh IV, 707
Demotic Law, 833–834
Elephantine, 872–873
Middle Kingdom and Second
Intermediate Period, 270–272
New Kingdom, 317–319
Old Kingdom and First
Intermediate Period, 116
Third Intermediate Period, 796–797
Emar, 663–664
Israel, 1002–1003
Early Dynastic and Sargonic
Periods, 157
Middle Assyrian Period, 533–535
Middle Babylonian Period, 498–499
Neo-Assyrian Period, 893–894
Neo-Babylonian Period, 928
Neo-Sumerian Period, 198
Nuzi, 583–584
Old Babylonian Period, 379
Ugarit, 724
Alalakh IV, 713
Alalakh VII, 700–701
Ebla, 246
Late Bronze Age, 766
for marriage. See Marital gifts
Neo-Assyrian Period, 900–901
Neo-Babylonian Period, 948–949
Nuzi, 567, 591
for treaties
second millennium, 766
third millennium, 246
Ugarit, 731–732
Gifts inter vivos. See Transfer inter vivos
Gifts mortis causa
Mesopotamia Middle Assyrian
Period, 544
Ugarit, 730
Israel, 976, 1002, 1017

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