A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1
sales, 642
sexual offenses, 623, 648–649
slaves, 632–633
sources of law, 619–624, 753
treaties, 86, 759–764
vassal kingdoms of, 720, 756, 758
Homicide, 77, 78, 79
Demotic Law, 853
New Kingdom, 343
Old Kingdom and First
Intermediate Period, 130
Third Intermediate Period, 810–811
Hittite Kingdom, 623, 630, 644–649
Israel, 979, 989, 999, 1029–1033
Early Dynastic and Sargonic
Periods, 176
Middle Assyrian Period, 558
Middle Babylonian Period, 515–518
Neo-Babylonian Period, 961–962
Neo-Sumerian Period, 216, 219
Nuzi, 612
Old Assyrian Period, 476
Old Babylonian Period, 363,
Homosexual acts
Israel, 1036
Mesopotamia Middle Assyrian
Period, 557
Horemheb, Edict of, 7, 289, 290,
294–295, 300, 302, 342
Late Bronze Age treaties, 764
head of. See Heads of household
as unit of society, 36
Household gods
as part of inheritance
Mesopotamia Nuzi, 602–603
Houses. See also Real property
Egypt Elephantine, 877–878
Israel, 1016
Neo-Babylonian Period, 954
Old Assyrian Period, 457
Old Babylonian Period, 410
Humanitarian aid
first millennium, 1063
Humiliation as punishment, 75
Husband’s rights. See Adultery;
Divorce and dissolution of marriage;
Hypothecary pledge

Israel, 1022
Mesopotamia Neo-Babylonian
Period, 952

Israel, 1041
Idrimi. See Alalakh Level IV
Ilimilimma. See Alalakh Level IV
Illegitimate children
adoption to legitimize, 52
as heirs, 57
Impalement as punishment
Egypt New Kingdom, 344
Israel, 1028, 1029
Mesopotamia Middle Assyrian
Period, 558
Imperial structure
Neo-Assyrian Period, 885–886
Neo-Babylonian Period, 1051–1052
Neo-Sumerian Period, 185–186
Imprisonment. See Prison
Incest. See also Marriage, subheading:
Hittite Kingdom, 636, 648
Israel, 1028, 1036–1037
Mesopotamia Old Babylonian
Period, 418–419
Mesopotamia Middle Assyrian
Period, 548
Indentured persons
Mesopotamia Nuzi, 587
Turin Indictment Papyrus, 291
Israel, 994
Infertility. See Childlessness
Mesopotamia Middle Assyrian
Period, 535
Inheritance, 2n, 24, 56–63. See also
Alalakh IV, 712
Alalakh VII, 699–700
of class status. See Class
division of property. See Division of
property; Wills
Ebla, 234
Demotic Law, 839–843
Elephantine, 877–880
Middle Kingdom and Second
Intermediate Period, 277, 278–279

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