A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1
sionally raise questions regarding the free or unfree status of the per-
sons mentioned.^170 On the basis of the exemption decrees, Goedicke,
however, emphasizes the equality before the law of “free” individu-
als, observing that there does not seem to have existed any difference
between the legal standing of the priesthood from that of the laity.^171

4.1.2 Some consider that the private individual in the Old Kingdom
had, in fact, significant rights.^172 Théodoridès, observing that the Old
Kingdom sale of Tjenti, concluded in a local council, was witnessed
by craftsmen of comparatively humble status, claims that such per-
sons must have enjoyed “civil rights.”^173 Several scholars have remarked
on the occasional signs of independence of Old Kingdom work-
men.^174 Théodoridès stresses, moreover, that even under the Fourth
Dynasty, a queen was obligated to pay those who built her tomb.^175

4.2 Class

4.2.1 The sr.w, “noblemen, magistrates,” were the potential legal
authority for lawsuits pertaining to property^176 and were responsible
for dispensing justice.^177 The sr.wpossess administrative power, estab-
lishing the imposts and corvees. High officials could also be brought
up on charges before the sr.w.^178 Some argue that sris not a true
title but rather an indicator of status.^179 An individual might become

“citizens.” See also Lorton, “Treatment.. .,” 11; Théodoridès, “Concept of Law.. .,”

(^170) Goedicke, Königliche Dokumente.. ., 207–8.
(^171) Goedicke, Königliche Dokumente.. ., 114.
(^172) An extreme expression in Nordh, Aspects.. ., 169.
(^173) “Concept of Law.. .,” 293. On the relative freedom of craftsmen, see also
Helck, Wirtschaftsgeschichte...,104–6.
(^174) Eyre, “Work.. .,” 25. Cf. Goedicke,Rechtsinschriften.. ., 39,
(^175) Théodoridès, “Concept of Law.. .,” 293, and see also 301.
(^176) Theodorides, “Citoyens.. .,” 67 (= Maat, 87), enumerates their duties. See
also Martin-Pardey, Untersuchungen.. ., 182; Goedicke, Königliche Dokumente.. ., 113–14;
Lurje, Studien.. ., 37–39. Helck, Wirtschaftsgeschichte.. ., 100, distinguishes (1) officials;
(2) expressly “freed” persons (from labor); (3) the mass of people registered and
liable for work; (4) craftsmen and specialists; (5) royal family, which is outside of
state organization.
(^177) See Helck, “Beamtentum,” col. 672, on the judging power of the sr.w.
(^178) See especially Martin-Pardey, Untersuchungen.. ., 184–85. Cf. also the Inscription
of Pepiankhheriyeb (Urk. 1, 223, 12–16; Doret, Verbal System.. ., 74; Théodoridès,
Maat, 88–90). See also Théodoridès, “Les Égyptiens.. .,” 68–70.
(^179) Goedicke, Königliche Dokumente.. ., 32 and Rechtsinschriften.. ., 60; Eichler,
Untersuchungen.. ., 169. See also Théodoridès, Maat.. ., 75.
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