A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

7.3 Hire

If none of one’s own children were suitable as mortuary priests, or
other persons from the household were not available, one could hire
people to perform this function.^319

  1. C  D

8.1 Homicide

There is scarcely any information regarding homicide in the Old

8.2 Theft and Related Offenses

Theft is mentioned in non-legal documents such as letters and biogra-
phies. Thus, in P. Berlin 8869, the writer declares: “If you have
written to me in order that you might expose the robbery ('w3) com-
mitted against me, well and good.”^321
Abundant, too, are such autobiographical statements as the fol-
lowing, wherein the speaker claims to have acted so: “that no one
did any harm to his fellow, so that no one seized the loaf or the
sandals of a traveler, so that no one took a bolt of cloth from any
town, so that no one took any goat from anyone.”^322
There is little information regarding the punishment of theft,
although there is evidence for cases dealing with theft of tomb

8.3 False Accusation

The Inscription of Pepiankhheriyeb implies that false accusation may
have had consequences for the accuser.^324

(^319) Helck, Wirtschaftsgeschichte.. ., 88, 116–17.
(^320) Boochs, Strafrechtliche Aspekte.. ., 106, 118; Hoch and Orel, “Murder...”
(^321) P. Berlin 8869 (Old Kingdom), Doret, Verbal System.. ., 43.
(^322) Urk. 1, 102, 9–16, translated in Doret, Verbal System.. ., 53.
(^323) Eichler, Untersuchungen.. ., 319–20.
(^324) Urk. 1, 223, 12–16. See also Lorton, “Treatment.. .,” 24; Goedicke, Rechts-
inschriften.. ., 59–60.
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