A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

4.2 Class

A large part of the population, if not the majority, were dependants
of the state and the great institutional estates. They constituted the
core class of erin 2 , which was characterized internally by a weak
hierarchical structure and, at the same time, by considerable social
mobility.^61 It is possible to distinguish between the most favored, who
were allotted sustenance-land, and those totally dependent upon
rations. Among the latter, at the lowest level, was the category of
UN.IL 2 (reading uncertain; equivalent to Akkadian kinattu), doubtless
comprising the various types of laborers and carriers, that is, the
unskilled workforce.^62

4.3 Gender^63

Free women appear to have had full capacity in private law—as lit-
igants, witnesses, property-owners, or contracting parties. In some
documents a wife is found selling land together with her husband
(Steinkeller 29, 88* “both of them”). Often, however, these women
were widows, who could find themselves head of household by default.
In Steinkeller S. 3, a husband and wife sold a slave, but subsequently
it was the wife (presumably because she was now a widow) who had
to honor a contingent term in the contract. On the evidence of NG
99, the widow probably relinquished that role on her sons coming
of age but maintained her independence.

4.4 Slavery^64

4.4.1 Terminology
The general term for a male slave is arad (/arád).^65 A female slave
is gemé, but the same term is used in administrative documents to
refer to female workers, not necessarily slaves (equivalent of guru“,
“able-bodied man”). In sale documents, a slave of either sex may
be referred to as sag, “a head.”

(^61) Steinkeller, “Foresters...”
(^62) Sigrist, “Erín—un-íl”; Englund, Fischerei.. ., 29 and n. 103, 164–68, 195;
Steinkeller, “Foresters.. .,” 75, 98; Wu, “Un-il 2 .”
(^63) Falkenstein, GerichtsurkundenI.. ., 81–82.
(^64) Siegel, “Slavery.. .”; Falkenstein, GerichtsurkundenI.. ., 82–95.
(^65) Additional values are ìr and ir 11. See PSD sub arad (forthcoming).
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