A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1
probably sixty minas of silver contracted by some elders of the town
of Irkutu, not far from Emar.^42

  1. C  D

8.1 The treaty between Ebla and Abarsal (ARET XIII 5) contains
several clauses dealing with various crimes and their punishments.^43
Since this text is the main Early Syrian source for international law,
the extent of its validity in the internal law of Ebla is not certain.

8.1.1 Sections 20–28 of the treaty punish blasphemy of one’s own
king, gods, and country. For this kind of treason the death penalty
may be prescribed. High ranking persons will be extradited and then
killed; lower ranking officials may redeem themselves by paying fifty
sheep, which is the ransom documented in later clauses. In the case
of commanders of conquered fortresses, their weapons must be deliv-
ered to inspectors. Objections must be addressed to the king of Ebla.

8.1.2 Sections 47–49 deal with the ransom and the rite of purification
for unintentional homicide: the penalty for the killing in a fight of
a person from Ebla or from Abarsal is the payment of fifty sheep.

8.1.3 Sections 50–56 deal with theft (12 sheep is the penalty for
the theft of wood) and the ransom (50 sheep) of a servant from

8.1.4 Sections 57–63 are provisions, valid in the land of Abarsal,
concerning various crimes. Where a murder committed by a person
from Abarsal is ascribed to a person from Ebla, the latter can remove
suspicion by means of an oath. For theft from Eblaite royal premises
in the land of Abarsal (sheepfolds, gates, castles), the death penalty
applies. For cases of theft and murder committed by an Eblaite in
the land of Abarsal, the penalty is fifty sheep. The penalty for sex-
ual relations with a dam-guru“(possibly another’s wife or fiancée) is

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(^42) Interestingly, sag (certainly = rè“um, as in Akkadian: CAD R, 288) is the term
used for “original amount, capital.”
(^43) For an edition, see Edzard, “Der Vertrag...”
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