A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1
a payment in textiles by the paramour. Sexual violation of an unmar-
ried girl is dealt with more leniently, apparently involving marriage.

8.1.5 Some cases dealt with in the treaty occur in other chancery
texts. For instance, ARET XIII 14:63–66 deal with blasphemy (a
prostitute who curses the god Hadda), extradition, and probably the
death penalty. ARET XIII 12 (5–6) shows that the term for ran-
som (níg-du 8 ) also indicated payment of a penalty in case of infringe-
ment of an oath.


ARET Archivi Reali di Ebla Testi (Roma: Missione Archeologica Italiana
in Siria)
ARET IX L. Milano, Testi amministrativi: Assegnazioni di prodotti alimentari
(Archivio L. 2712—Parte I), 1990
ARET XI P. Fronzaroli, con la collaborazione di A. Catagnoti, Testi rituali
della regalità (Archivio L. 2769), 1993
ARET XIII P. Fronzaroli, con la collaborazione di A. Catagnoti, Testi di can-
celleria: I rapporti con le città, 2002


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