A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1
from his brother, and this before it goes to their children.^168 There
is some indication for a widow’s guardianship of her young children.^169

4.4 Slavery^170

4.4.1 Terminology and Definition The later common word for “slave,” ̇m, which originally
meant “body,” hardly occurs in the indisputable sense of “slave” in
the Old and Middle Kingdoms.^171 There is evidence for the exis-
tence of classes with limited freedom of activity, and persons pos-
sessing the status of alienable property.^172 In P. Brooklyn 35.1446 a
group of slaves (?) seems to be transferred to a woman,^173 while the
Kahun papyri also suggest that slaves could be bought or inher-
ited.^174 One document (P. Kahun 1.2) seems to deal with the “trans-
fer of servants between brothers.”^175 Individuals, mortuary foundations, and religious institutions,
could possess mry.t, “serfs,” acquired by bequest or transaction. They
appear in lists together with cattle and offices. One man declares,
for example: “I have been one who is clever and one who controls
his mr.tuntil the day comes wherein it is well with me (scil. “die”).
I have given them to my son in a conveyance (fimy.t-pr).”^176 P. Brooklyn 35.1446 mentions a “Labor-Bureau,” literally,
“an Office of Giving People” (¢3 n dd-rm∆).^177 Hayes suggests that the
“Labor-Bureau” probably co-operated with the prison administration
(¢nr.t wr) and the Office of Fields or Agricultural Office.^178 This same
text contains a list of seventy-six residents, mostly with Asiatic names,

(^168) Ibid.
(^169) Franke, Verwandtschaftsbezeichnungen.. ., 269.
(^170) Helck, Wirtschaftsgeschichte.. ., 163. See also Helck, “Sklaven,” col. 984; Hayes,
Papyrus.. ., 134.
(^171) Cf. Bakir, Slavery.. ., 30. See, too, Helck, Wirtschaftsgeschichte.. ., 154–55.
(^172) Loprieno, “Slaves,” 196.
(^173) Pestman, Marriage.. ., 85. This is Text verso B of P. Brooklyn 35.1446 (Hayes,
Papyrus.. ., 116), discussed in Théodoridès, “Rapport.. .,” 72.
(^174) Griffith, Kahun.. ., pls. 12 and 13; Helck, “Sklaven,” col. 984.
(^175) Quirke, Administration.. ., 168.
(^176) Bakir, Slavery.. ., 22.
(^177) Quirke, Administration.. ., 112–16. See also Franke, “Beititel.. .,” 20.
(^178) Hayes, Papyrus.. ., 136–37.
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