A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1
who appear to have fled without completing the services required of
them by the state.^179 In P. Berlin 10470 there is another term for “serfs,” ≈.t, in
the expression “a servant woman of the serfs of Elephantine.”^180 The
phrase “the woman who covers ( ̇bs) a servant of the king” may des-
ignate a servant woman registered to perform the work for a royal

4.4.2 Categories
The documents seldom provide insights into categories of slavery.
There is a possible reference to house slaves (ms.w nw pr) in the tomb
inscription of It=fi-fib-fi.^182 Children of slaves remain slaves.^183 However,
there is some slight evidence for a person changing from slave status
to citizen status, depending on the interpretation of P. Berlin 10470.^184

4.4.3 Creation Middle Kingdom documents mention “Asiatics,” '3m.w, pos-
sibly taken in raids.^185 Egyptians might become virtual slaves, being reduced to the
same status as the Asiatics. In this case they are called “royal ser-
vants.”^186 Persons naturally attempted to escape their labor commit-
ments, and so became fugitives. When recaptured, they could be
assigned by the state to private individuals, who might alienate them
as desired.^187

(^179) Johnson, “Legal Status.. .,” 215. On this list, see also Théodoridès, “Rapport.. .”;
Schneider, “Namen...”
(^180) Vittmann, “Hieratic Texts,” 36–37. See also Quirke, Administration.. ., 203–7.
(^181) The view of Quirke, quoted in Vittmann, “Hieratic Texts,” 37.
(^182) Schenkel, Memphis.. ., 78–79.
(^183) Bakir, Slavery... ., 65, 117; Loprieno, “Slaves,” 200.
(^184) Vittmann, “Hieratic Texts,” 35.
(^185) See Hayes, Papyrus.. ., 133. Cf. also Bakir, Slavery.. ., 65, 82, 110; Helck,
Wirtschaftsgeschichte.. ., 151, 153; Berlev, “Social Experiment.. .,” 154.
(^186) Thus Loprieno, “Slaves,” 198; Helck, Wirtschaftsgeschichte.. ., 153. On '3m.w,
“Asiatic,” as a term for “slave,” see Baines, “Contextualizing Egyptian Repre-
sentations.. .,” 375–76.
(^187) So Loprieno, “Slaves,” 198–99.
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