A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1
“mistress of the house,” which first appears in the Middle Kingdom,
may suggest that the holder is a married woman.^195 According to
’ernÿ, brother-sister marriage was possible but by no means com-
mon.^196 He presents two instances of such a marriage in the Middle
Kingdom. These marriages may be between half-siblings.

5.1.2 Divorce
P. Kahun I.1, lines 13–14, may confirm the right of a wife to dwell
in the conjugal house in the case of a divorce.^197

5.1.3 Remarriage
P. Kahun VII.1 may deal with a man’s changing the disposition of
his property on the basis of a second marriage.^198 The suit between
a daughter and her father recorded in P. Brooklyn 35.1446 is pos-
sibly the result of a divorce and remarriage.^199

5.1.4 Polygamy
There may be very slight documentation for polygamy, although it
does not seem to have been common.^200 The Hekanakht letters may
provide evidence for concubinage.^201

5.2 Children^202

Such texts as the Hekanakht letters are a primary source for the
status of children in the Middle Kingdom.^203 The father probably
retained control of the estate until death. The mother may have

Essays.. ., 65–69; Goedicke, Hekanakhte.. ., 35; Fischer-Elfert, “Der ehebrecherische
Sohn.. .,” 24; Parkinson, “‘Homosexual’ Desire.. .,” 73. In general, see Pestman,

(^195) Ward, Titles.. ., 99.
(^196) ’ernÿ, “Consanguineous Marriage.. .,” 29ff.
(^197) Pestman, Marriage.. ., 157–58; Johnson, “Legal Status.. .,” 178 (translation).
On P. Kahun I.1, Ter Manuelian, “Essay...,” 15; Théodoridès, “Propriété...,”
(^198) Théodoridès, “Concept of Law.. .,” 305; Théodoridès, “Le Testament...,”
Maat, 423–26.
(^199) Johnson, “Legal Status.. .,” 182–83.
(^200) Simpson, “Polygamy.. .,” 104. See further Ward, Essays.. ., 57–59; Franke,
Verwandtschaftsbezeichnungen.. ., 340–41.
(^201) Baer, “Letters.. .,” 6; Eyre, “Crime.. .,” 98. See also Ward, Essays.. ., 61–65,
and “Reflections.. .,” 74.
(^202) In general, see Feucht, Das Kind...
(^203) See the texts translated in Wente, Letters.. ., 58–63.
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