A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1
been compelled to cede control to her eldest son when he reached
age, but this is not entirely certain. P. Kahun I.1 apparently con-
tains provisions for the appointment of a guardian of a child, in case
of the father’s death.^204 In P. Brooklyn 35.1446 a daughter disputes
with her father regarding a “transfer-document” (fimy.t-pr).^205

5.3 Adoption

There are no clear examples of formal adoption before the Nineteenth
Dynasty.^206 Allam suggests that s3.t wr.tmeans “adoptive daughter”
in Sinuhe.^207

  1. P  I

While royal and temple holdings and property must have been greater
by far, there does seem to exist private property, at least to some
extent.^208 The Hekanakht letters present a man who is clearly entre-
preneurial,^209 interested in adding industriously to his own wealth
through renting and leasing.^210

6.1 Tenure of Land^211

6.1.1 The state owned and administered various types of land (e.g.,
¢bs.w-land).^212 Individual land-owners could apparently lease their
fields to others; P. Hekanakht no. 1 may point to this practice.^213
Ethics of the period condemns the unfair eviction of cultivators.
Thus, in Cairo tomb-stele 20512, the speaker declares: “There does
not exist one whom I expelled from his plot of land (“').”^214

(^204) Parkinson, Voices.. ., 110. On P. Kahun I.1, see also Théodoridès, “Rapport.. .,”
61–67, and “Vente.. .,” 52–53.
(^205) See Théodoridès, “Rapport.. .,” 87, 104–05.
(^206) Allam, “Adoption,” cols. 66–67.
(^207) Allam, “Sinuhe’s Foreign Wife...”
(^208) See, e.g., Théodoridès, “Rapport.. .,” 126–27. See also Eyre, “Work.. .,” 32.
(^209) Théodoridès, “Concept of Law.. .,” 301.
(^210) Baer, “Letters.. .,” 15.
(^211) See, e.g., Menu, Recherches.. ., 4–7.
(^212) Hayes, Papyrus.. ., 137. See also Menu, “Quelques.. .,” 125, and Recherches...,
(^213) Hekanakht letters 1 and 2, Parkinson, Voices.. ., 103–04. See also: Bleiberg,
Official Gift.. ., 13. On Hekanakht 1, see also Menu, Recherches.. ., 4–5. On qdb,
“lease(?),” see Menu, Recherches.. ., 81–94; Kessler, “Land.. .,” 109–10; Goedicke,
“Tax-deductions.. .,” 73–74.
(^214) Schenkel, Memphis, 94.
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