A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1
1.2.3 Other royal edicts of a legal character should be mentioned.
The Donation Stela of King Ahmosis to Queen Ahmes Nefertari is
significant for the history of law.^14 In his coronation decree, Tuthmosis
I proclaims the full royal name to be used in oaths,^15 while an inscrip-
tion of Tuthmosis III deals with the “health of the nation.”^16 The
Decree of Seti I at Kanais (Wadi Mia) also contains legal material.^17

1.3 Administrative Orders and Official Documents

1.3.1 In this category may be considered such texts as the records
of official investigations into state matters as the royal tomb rob-
beries^18 (ca. 1100) and the Harem Conspiracy.^19 The Tomb Robbery
papyri preserve protocols of the examination and questioning of sus-
pects, together with the verdicts and findings of the officers.^20 P. Salt
124 contains numerous accusations against a chief of the work crew
at Deir el-Medina presented to the vizier.^21 The so-called “Turin
Indictment Papyrus” records a series of charges against several officials,
especially concerning embezzlement of grain due to the Temple of
Khnum in Elephantine.^22

1.3.2 Extensive land surveys or cadastral records such as Papyrus
Wilbour provide information concerning land tenure.^23 These are,
unfortunately, notoriously difficult to interpret.
Another valuable but problematic source of information on the
legal system is titles.^24

(^14) The inscription deals with the office of Second Prophet of Amun at Karnak;
see Gitton. “La résiliation.. .”; Menu, “Le Stèle...”
(^15) Breasted, Ancient Records.. ., vol. 2, 25.
(^16) Vernus, “Une Décret d’Thoutmosis III.. .”; Van den Boorn, Vizier.. ., 9.
(^17) See Harari, “Les dispositions.. .”; Théodoridès, “Mettre.. .”; Lorton, “Treat-
ment.. .,” 27.
(^18) Peet, The Great Tomb-Robberies. See also Lorton, “Treatment.. .,” 30–37.
(^19) Lorton, “Treatment.. .,” 28–30. The record of the so-called Harem Conspiracy
against Ramses III (ca. 1182–1151) is chiefly preserved in the Judicial Papyrus of
Turin; see ibid., 28. See also Johnson, “Legal Status.. .,” 176. This is the only
known Egyptian trial for sorcery or misuse of magic (wax figurines and magical
books). See also Ritner, Practice.. ., 199ff.
(^20) Vernus, Affaires...
(^21) ’ernÿ, “P. Salt...”
(^22) Peet, “Historical Document.. .” See now Vittmann, Elephantine.. ., 45–56.
(^23) P. Reinhardt (edited by Vleeming, Papyrus Reinhardt) and P. Wilbour (edited by
Gardiner, Wilbour Papyrus) have been understood to be land registers (dnfiw.t) of the
Domain of Amun (Van den Boorn, Vizier.. ., 269). On these, see also Gasse,
Données.. ., 229–31.
(^24) See, e.g., Onasch, “Aufbau.. .,” on the various possible meanings of s“, “scribe.”
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