A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1
format but are normally records of oral proceedings, often giving
the parties involved, the transaction, the date, and, occasionally,
witnesses(?).^31 P. Deir Medina 26 has been interpreted as a record
of numerous distinct legal cases and as evidence for the existence of
local archives.^32 Despite their limitations and idiosyncrasies, much of
the scholarly reconstruction of New Kingdom Egyptian law is per-
force based on the analysis of the texts from this single village.

1.4.3 Legal documents of exceptional legal importance are the Stèle
juridique,^33 the Adoption Papyrus,^34 P. Turin 2021,^35 and the Will of

1.4.4 Private tomb inscriptions, or compositions preserved in pri-
vate tombs, naturally contain relevant material. Of these may be
mentioned the Duties of the Vizier^37 and the already cited Legal
Text of Mes.

1.4.5 Personal letters (e.g., the corpus of Late Ramesside letters) also
occasionally shed light on legal matters or allude to legal situations.^38

1.5 Scholastic documents

The collection of model letters and compositions known as the Late
Egyptian Miscellanies contains texts of legal interest.^39 Scholars of
law have also discussed the penalties of the schoolbook P. Lansing
in passages portraying the plight of the peasant unable to pay his

(^31) One notes that many transactions recorded in the Deir el-Medina ostraca lack
witnesses, where they might be expected.
(^32) McDowell, Jurisdiction.. ., 4.
(^33) Lacau, Stèle Juridique...The so-called Stèle juridique(Seventeenth Dynasty),
Spalinger, “Stèle Juridique,” cols. 6–8, was discovered at Karnak. The text records
the sale of the office of provincial governor. See also Allam, “ ̇m-k3”; Johnson,
“Legal Status.. .,” 184; Helck, Akte.. ., 111–13.
(^34) Gardiner, “Adoption...”
(^35) Allam, “Papyrus Turin 2021.”
(^36) ’ernÿ, “Will...”
(^37) Van den Boorn, Vizier...
(^38) See Wente, Late Ramesside Letters.. ., and Janssen, Communications...
(^39) E.g., Caminos, Late-Egyptian Miscellanies.. ., 326. See also Brunner, “Schul-
handschriften,” col. 738; Allam, “Quenebete.. .,” 50.
(^40) See Lichtheim, AEL2, 170–71. See also Lorton, “Treatment.. .,” 37 (on the
imprisonment of a deserter’s family).
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