A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1
vizier.^95 In P. Turin 2021 (Twentieth Dynasty) a marriage settlement
between two rather “middle-class” individuals is drawn up in the
presence of the vizier.^96 One turns to the vizier for instruction in especially com-
plicated legal cases.^97 In P. Turin 2071/224+1960, the servant of
the Great Court of the City (= Thebes) acts as an intermediary
between the officials of Deir el-Medina and the vizier himself, who
dispatches through him a letter of instruction regarding a case.^98 In
O. Toronto A 11, a chief of police in Thebes communicates directly
with the vizier.^99 The vizier confirms the court decision in the Will
of Senimose.^100 The vizier was not all-powerful and not always able to
deliver a final judgment. In particularly serious cases, such as the
Tomb Robberies, he too may depend on a royal verdict. The vizier
might institute the proceedings, conduct the investigations, and make
a report to the king. However, in Théodoridès’s view, the pharaoh
ultimately pronounced the penalty.^101 The vizier may have been em-
powered to pardon or amend sentences in certain cases. In O. Berlin
12654, the court has condemned a man to quarry work “until the
vizier is gracious to him.”^102 Oral or written messages within the bureaucracy were con-
veyed by “followers” (“msw)^103 or “messengers” (wpwtyw) dispatched
by the vizier or other officials.^104 “Scribes of the vizier” are promi-
nent in Deir el-Medina legal cases.^105

(^95) McDowell, Jurisdiction.. ., 157. See Allam, Hieratische Ostraka.. ., 214–17.
(^96) ’ernÿand Peet, “Marriage Settlement...”
(^97) Van den Boorn, Vizier.. ., 278.
(^98) Allam, Hieratische Ostraka.. ., 329. So too P. Turin 2072/142, Allam, Hieratische
Ostraka.. ., 330.
(^99) Wente, Letters.. ., 46.
(^100) Spalinger, “Will.. .,” 639.
(^101) Théodoridès, “Concept of Law.. .,” 312.
(^102) Allam, Hieratische Ostraka.. ., 36; Théodoridès, “De la ‘grace’ vizirale...”
(^103) Vittmann, Elephantine.. ., 49.
(^104) Trigger et al. Social History.. ., 215. On the role of the messengers in the
Duties of the Vizier, see Valloggia, Recherches.. ., 220–27.
(^105) McDowell, Jurisdiction.. ., 76–85.
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