A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1
3.2.2 Lawyers, that is, professional advocates for a defendant, are
not attested in ancient Egypt.^206 There are a few examples of third
party individuals pleading the case of accused persons.^207 In O. DeM.
558, an artist apparently entrusts a third party with the mission of
bringing his opponent to court.^208

3.2.3 The court could question the parties and send servants of the
court to obtain relevant documents. An order could be issued by an
official to “bring” somebody (to court?).^209 The court has the author-
ity to dispatch an investigator. The power of such investigators as
the “servant of the court” is not well defined, but they do seem to
be able to interrogate persons and to confiscate items on behalf of
the court. In O. Nash 1, the court interrogates the accused, imposes
an oath on her and dispatches an investigator to search her premises
before pronouncing its verdict.^210

3.2.4 The court concluded a session by declaring its verdict (“in
the right is PN; in the wrong is PN”)^211 and, generally, the course
of action to be followed by the convicted person. The decisions and
sentencing of courts were not always unanimous. One qenbetmem-
ber dissents, for example, from his colleagues in the adultery case
of P. DeM 27.^212 The defeated party in a court case concerning a
contract had to take an oath of obligation.^213 In some cases there
does not seem to be an explicit verdict, but the weaker party swears
that he or she will fulfill any obligations due an opponent.^214

(^206) Lorton, “Treatment.. .,” 4, and “Legal and Social Institutions.. .,” 355.
(^207) On rw≈.w, “agents,” see, e.g., Théodoridès, “Jugement.. .,” 29–30, and
“Mise.. .,” 36.
(^208) Allam, Hieratische Ostraka.. ., 131, and Verfahrensrecht.. ., 21.
(^209) Vittmann, Elephantine.. ., 49.
(^210) Allam, Hieratische Ostraka.. ., 214–15.
(^211) E.g., O. Gardiner 165, Allam, Hieratische Ostraka.. ., 183.
(^212) Allam, Hieratische Ostraka.. ., 301–2, and Verfahrensrecht.. ., 34.
(^213) Kaplony, “Eid,” col. 1191. On the verdict, see McDowell, Jurisdiction...,
(^214) Allam, “Legal Aspects.. .,” 139. Cf. Janssen and Pestman, “Bulaq X...,”
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