A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1
of nm ̇.w, “free persons” of the land of the pharaoh.^274 This change
of status, initiated by the woman herself, enables them to inherit her
On the basis of the ability to alienate property and personal free-
dom, Allam separates New Kingdom society into “fully free persons”
(nm ̇); less free (e.g., emancipated slaves or prisoners, who do not
have unlimited ability to alienate property or personal mobility); serfs
(“Hörige”);^275 and slaves.^276 Still, as he emphasizes, these divisions are
by no means water-tight.

4.1.1 The common New Kingdom phrase 'n¢.t n Nw.t (“living one
of the city”), often rendered “citizeness,”^277 also seems to denote a
free person of middling rank. It may replace a more usual title.

4.1.2 Foreign captives enjoyed widely varying levels of status, rang-
ing from virtual slavery to that of military man or colonist with some

4.2 Gender and Age

While males appear more often in legal texts, there seem to be few
explicit restrictions on the rights of women.^279 Women certainly act
less frequently as witnesses, and there are scarcely any examples of
female judges.^280
Women could acquire and alienate property, and enjoy usufruct
without visible limitations.^281 In P. Cairo 65739, women purchase

(^274) Gardiner, “Adoption Extraordinary,” 24.
(^275) On the condition of the peasants in the New Kingdom, see Eyre, “Work...,”
(^276) “Bevölkerungsklassen,” col. 774.
(^277) Cf. Allam, Hieratische Ostraka.. ., 60; Janssen, Village Varia.. ., 82; ’ernÿ, “Will
of Naunakhte.. .,” 48; Janssen, “Economic History.. .,” 144. See also Kruchten,
Horemheb.. ., 133; Gasse, Données.. ., 47.
(^278) Eyre, “Work.. .,” 204. See also Eyre, “Crime.. .,” 96; Bresciani, Egyptians...,
231; Spalinger, “Will of Senimose.. .,” 638.
(^279) See Johnson, “Legal Status.. .”; Harari, “Capacité...,” 53–54. See further
Allam, “Familie.. .,” 25; Toivari, “Man versus Woman...”
(^280) In O. Gardiner 150, two women are in the court; see Allam, Hieratische
Ostraka.. ., 181, Verfahrensrecht.. ., 34, and “Legal Aspects.. .,” 143; Toivari, “Man
versus Woman.. .,” 161. On the virtual absence of women as witnesses and scribes,
see Harari, “Capacité.. .,” 50. On a mythic level, Allam compares the role of the
goddess Neith in the Tale of Horus and Seth (“Legal Aspects...,” 138).
(^281) See Pestman, Marriage.. ., 88; Eyre, “Market.. .,” 178. See further Menu,
“Women and Business Life.. .”; Eyre, “Adoption.. .,” 220.
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