A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1
7.3.2 Persons
Several Fayum papyri seem to deal with the hiring out of the ser-
vices of female slaves. The slaves are rented out by the day and for
quite high prices.^478 In P. Gurob Pap. II, 1 Messuia buys seventeen
days of service by one female slave and four days of service by
another.^479 He purchases these days from a woman and her son.
They then swear that they have been fully paid and that compen-
sation will be given for any days lost.^480 P. Berlin 9785 is the record
of a court case between Messuia and a man who had sold his slave
woman’s service to Messuia in return for two cows and two calves.
There was apparently a dispute concerning the slave woman’s work.^481
A class of texts called “work journals” (hrw n b3k; hrw m ̇m/ ̇m.t)
seems to be records of such labor transactions.^482 The Bryce Tablet
may also document the hire of ten days’ service of a slave.^483

7.3.3 Lease
P. Berlin 8523 seems to imply a leasing or rental relationship.^484 In
this letter the correspondent writes of “tillage rights” for a Kushite
cadet. Allam characterizes the Kushite as a tenant, legally autho-
rized to farm the land because of an agreement. The addressee
receives instructions as to what to cultivate, and no rental amount
is mentioned.^485 The writer says that his wife has “overturned” his
original decision not to rent out his fields.^486 There is, apparently,
the possibility of someone objecting to the recipient’s cultivation of
the land, since the writer urges him to keep the letter as a testi-
mony or proof that he has the right to do so.^487 The role of the

(^478) Gardiner, “Four Papyri.. .” See also Allam, “Familie.. .,” 22; Lorton, “Treat-
ment.. .,” 46–47. The question of the ownership of these slaves is still open to
doubt, see Théodoridès, “Procès.. .,” 97–98. Théodoridès believes that they belong
to the town and not to individuals. See now Navailles, “Qu’entendait-on.. .”
(^479) Gardiner, “Four Papyri.. .,” 36. See also Théodoridès, “Procès.. .,” 56–60.
(^480) Gardiner, “Four Papyri.. .,” 36.
(^481) Ibid., 40.
(^482) See Kruchten, “Une notion juridique égyptienne.. .,” 65, quoting Navailles,
(^483) See Bakir, Slavery.. ., 31.
(^484) Allam, “Implications.. .” See also McDowell, “Agricultural Activity.. .,” 197,
200; Eyre, “Work......,” 204.
(^485) In contrast with Late period leasing agreements, see Allam, “Implications.. .,”
(^486) Johnson, “Legal Status.. .,” 216.
(^487) The same procedure is found in P. Cairo 58056; see Kruchten, “Une notion.. .,”

  1. Cf. also Wente, LRL, 66 (P. BM 10100).

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