A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1
the earlier ones.^496 Death through burning is apparently attested in
the New Kingdom.^497

8.1 Homicide

There is very meager evidence regarding murder.^498

8.2 Injury

While not abundant, there is some information concerning injury.
P. Turin 1887 (the Turin Indictment Papyrus), for example, con-
tains a list of serious charges of corruption and crime, including
crimes of bodily injury, chiefly against a priest of the Temple of
Khnum in Elephantine.^499
An instance of wife-abuse is attested in O. Nash 5 (= O. BM
65938). A woman apparently accuses her husband before a court of
having beaten her. Found guilty, he must swear an oath not to beat
his wife in the future.^500

8.3 Adultery^501

Several papyri contain complaints or accusations concerning immoral
behavior, especially fornication with married women. P. Turin 1887
records such charges against priests and administrators of the Temple
of Khnum at Elephantine.^502 This accusation is made against the
infamous Paneb in the Salt Papyrus 124.^503 P. DeM 27 is a court
case concerning adultery but which may have to do primarily with
marriage and the question of offspring.^504 P. DeM 26 may also con-
tain a charge of adultery made against a man by a woman.^505

(^496) Lorton, “Treatment.. .,” 52–53.
(^497) Leahy, “Death.. .”; see also 8.4 below.
(^498) Hoch and Orel, “Murder.. .”; Eyre, “Crime.. .,” 93.
(^499) Vittmann, Elephantine.. ., 45. See also McDowell, Jurisdiction.. ., 225–27.
(^500) Allam, Hieratische Ostraka.. ., 221–22, and Verfahrensrecht.. ., 108.
(^501) “Eyre, Crime.. .” See further Théodoridès, “Droit Matrimonial.. .,” 50–54;
Johnson, “Legal Status.. .,” 216; Toivari, “Man versus Woman.. .,” 163; Lorton,
“Treatment.. .,” 38–39.
(^502) Vittmann, Elephantine.. ., 46.
(^503) Théodoridès, “Dénonciation.. .,” 18. See also Eyre, “Crime.. .,” 104.
(^504) Allam, “Familie (Struktur),” col. 109, Hieratische Ostraka.. ., 301–2, Verfahrensrecht...,
109, and “Legal Aspects.. .,” 144; Théodoridès, “Parler...”
(^505) Allam, Hieratische Ostraka.. ., 299, 301.
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