A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

390 

5.1.5 Polygamy Legal sources on polygamy are confined to bigamous mar-
riages. A complicating factor is that many concern the special classes
of nadìtumand “ugètum(see 9 below). Nonetheless, the general prin-
ciples would seem to have applied mutatis mutandis. In theory, there need not have been any legal relationship
as between the two wives. In practice, both the law codes and mar-
riage contracts were at pains to establish legal bonds and a hierarchy
of status. The two explicit relationships were sisterhood and slavery. Sisterhood might arise naturally, when a man married two
biological sisters (TIM 4 47), or by the first wife adopting the sec-
ond as a sister (Meissner, BAP 89). The legal result was that their
offspring were regarded as the children of both. The second sister
was usually subordinated to the first. Indeed, a natural sister might
be made the slave of her senior sibling. She could even be included
in the latter’s dowry (CT 45 119 = Wilcke, “Bigamie.. .”). The second wife could be the slave of the first, often given
by the first to her husband (CT 8 22b). The offspring of a slave
belonged to her mistress; at the same time, they were regarded as
the free, legitimate issue of their father, since as regards her hus-
band the second wife was not a slave. Relations between the two wives could also be regulated by
contractual clauses. For example, loyalty was demanded of the sec-
ond wife: “With whom she (W 1 ) is hostile she (W 2 ) will be hostile;
with whom she is friendly, she will be friendly” (CT 48 48).^84 The law codes lay down certain conditions for the taking
of a second wife. LL 28 and LH 148 permit it when the wife is
suffering from certain (presumably incurable) diseases, and LH 141
when the husband would be entitled to divorce his wife for mis-
conduct but chose not to. If, as these paragraphs infer, a husband

(^84) zeni“a izenni salàmi“a isallim. Not following Westbrook, Marriage Law.. ., 109.
Weinfeld has demonstrated the connection with similar phrases in loyalty oaths
(“Covenant.. .,” 194).
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