A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

440 

case” (pà“ir awàtim), whose task it was to work out or implement
solutions.^32 Anatolia
In Anatolia, the assemblies (pu¢rum) both of colonies (kàrum) and
“trading stations” (wabartum) passed verdicts (e.g., EL 282; on final
and provisional verdicts, see 3.4 below). That of kàrumKanish must
have been the highest judicial authority. Kanish asks other colonies
to assist in the forced transfer of persons who have to appear in
court there,^33 gives instructions to other kàrums about the handling
of a case,^34 and cancels a decision of another kàrum (kt k/k 118,
unpubl.). Numerous depositions in court and verdicts are explicitly
said to be the result of judicial activity of “the plenary kàrum” (lit.
“big and small”). There are a few cases where persons involved in
a legal conflict declare: “Bring my case to the plenary kàrum!”^35 (see
2.1.3 above). According to text 1 of “the Statutes” the secretary of
the kàrumis not allowed “to convene the plenary assembly without
the consent of the majority (nam"udum) of the ‘big’ men,” who have
to evaluate (amàrum) a case to decide whether it requires a meeting
of the plenary assembly. For passing verdicts or “solving” (pa“àrum)
cases the council of the “big men” is divided into three groups. If
they fail to reach a decision, the plenary assembly will be convened
and divided into seven groups to reach a decision by majority vote.
Most verdicts we have are by the “plenary kàrum;” we do not
know who passed verdicts which are simply said to be “of the kàrum.”
A few texts also mention a “trial/verdict of traders” (dìn tamkàrùtim),^36
Small trading stations, occasionally even a group of traders called
“those living in.. .,” could pass verdicts together with “those who
pay the dàtum contribution” (see 2.1.3 above) and/or “those who
travel to the City” (àlikù“a ¢arràn àlim).^37

(^32) Attested in EL 327, kt n/k 147 (unpubl.), and AKT 3 37 (appointed by “the
Elders”); see, for them, Larsen, City-State.. ., 191, 331.
(^33) Larsen, City-State..., 255ff.
(^34) KTK 1; see Larsen, City-State.. ., 259f.
(^35) EL 320:34f. and 338:21ff.
(^36) Attested in the text published in Matou“, “Tempel.. .,” and probably in text
2 of the Statutes.
(^37) See Larsen, City-State.. ., 275f., and Garelli, “Une tablette...”
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