A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

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of a dead trader would try to realize their claims. It is not surpris-
ing that some of the few references we have to Old Assyrian law
(“the words of the stela”) bear on the problems caused by a trader’s
death. The City apparently agreed on a standard rule that in such
cases “nobody, either in Anatolia or in Assur, shall touch anything,
all the silver shall be brought together in the City. Whoever took
something shall give it back, who does not give back shall be con-
sidered a thief ” (see 8 below).^144 Division of the inheritance was to
take place as part of a final settlement, in the presence of all those
involved, after liabilities had been met and claims collected.

6.2.5 Arrangements between Heirs
The division of an estate started soon after the death of the testa-
tor but could take time (occasionally a few years) to be completed.
Secondary arrangements between heirs for redistributing shares in
the testator’s investments are attested, for example, receiving the
house and contents in return for taking care of the mother’s burial,
expenses, and debts.^145

6.2.6 Anatolian Evidence
There is some evidence on inheritance law among the native popula-
tion of Kanish, especially in some “brotherhood contracts” (see 5.2.3
above).^146 In text E, division of the estate will take place upon the
death of both parents; in text D, apparently upon the death of the
father, in which case the widow will receive a substantial gift and
leave. In another case, she is entitled to continue to live in the house.
Some of these contracts stipulate that if the brothers wish to ter-
minate the common household, “they shall divide equally” (mit¢ari“
izuzzù), but in text B, the oldest son receives “two shares,” his younger
brother one. In contract D, the youngest son receives something
“extra, on top of his share,” probably because he still has to acquire
a wife.

(^144) With slight variations, see Veenhof, “Legislation...,” 1727.
(^145) Veenhof, “Care of the Elderly.. .,” 141f.
(^146) See ibid., 147ff., where the relevant contracts are numbered (A-K) and discussed.
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