A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

 585

figure that actually corresponds to the bodies of adolescents. In most
cases, boys were employed as junior workers, and girls were des-
tined to become the wives of whomever their master would decide.
“Able-bodied” and “full-grown” (e†lu) males are also recorded;^58 “good-
looking” (damiqtu) girls often occur.

4.4.1 Creation We do not have definite evidence for foreigners being reduced
to slavery as war booty. An isolated and dubious case is HSS 15
58, a list of people that has been tentatively interpreted as a record
of Assyrians (prisoners of war?) taken into Arraphean territory.^59
Note, however, the lengthy report of an Assyrian razzia in Arraphean
territory ( JEN 525//670), as a result of which a number of people
were captured and taken away as prisoners. Chattel slaves, women in particular, were the object of a
flourishing foreign trade carried out by private merchants. One of
the main sources was the country of N/Lullu, still of uncertain
location.^60 Sales of wives, children, relatives, or oneself, due to financial
duress, are a recurrent feature of the Nuzi socio-economic scene,
which is characterized by an overall process of impoverishment of
the peasant family groups, mainly as a result of the fiscal burden
exerted by the central state apparatus.^61 A somewhat different case is that of male and female for-
eigners (including persons from Assur and Babylonia), called ¢apiru
(“immigrants, refugees”), who gave themselves in slavery (ardùtu) to
private individuals or the palace administration.^62 Poverty was the

(^58) See e.g. JEN 458: 9; 555: 7.
(^59) Fincke, RGTC 10, 59.
(^60) Cf. ibid., 190–93. See, however, Klengel, “Lullu(bum),” 166.
(^61) Comparison with other Late Bronze Age Syro-Mesopotamian documentation
(especially the Emar archives) is particularly revealing; cf. Zaccagnini, “Feet of
Clay.. .,” and “War and Famine...”
(^62) Cf. Bottéro, Le problème des Habiru.. ., 43–70; Greenberg, The Hab/piru, 23–32,
65–70; Cassin, “Nouveaux documents...”
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