A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

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Tukulti-Ninurta I, he took the title “king of the universe.”^25 Nonetheless,
it is unlikely that this affected the king’s role as steward of the Storm

2.2 The Queen

2.2.1 The Hittite queen reigned for life: initially as crown princess,
called “wife of the king” (SAL.LUGAL); only after the death of her
predecessor does she receive the title Tawananna, previously borne
by the latter.^26

2.2.2 The role of the Tawananna is disputed by scholars. Bin-Nun^27
has suggested that the Tawananna was a priestess, separate from the
queen; others see in the office the remnant of a matriarchal regime
or of sibling marriage.^28 None of these proposals is convincing.

2.2.3 Already in the Old Empire there were activities of the
Tawananna that were displeasing to the monarch: Hattusili I tells
his wife Hastayar: “You should not oppose me!”^29 It should not be
said of her that she consults the “old women” (witches). The king
demands: “Always consult me; I will tell you my opinion.” In the
New Empire, Mursili II (ca. 1318–1290) had difficulties with an
unnamed Tawananna, who was a Babylonian princess and the widow
of Suppiluliuma I. The king accused her of sorcery and dark intrigues,
and she was deposed by the verdict of a court. The king was entitled
to have her executed but commuted her sentence to banishment.

2.2.4 The life of Queen Puduhepa, the wife of Hattusili III (ca.
1240–1215) throws light on the political activity of a Tawananna.^30
She played an active role in foreign policy, corresponding with Ramses
II, his principal wife, her daughter, and others, and had her own
seal. She conducted a two-track correspondence, in that the same
messenger brought letters from the Pharaoh with identical content

(^25) Van den Hout, “Tuthalija.. .,” 572.
(^26) Starke, “Verfassung.. .,” 317.
(^27) Bin-Nun, Tawananna.. ., 103.
(^28) MacQueen, Hittites.. ., 76.
(^29) Sommer and Falkenstein, Bilingue.. ., §23 III 65–70.
(^30) Cornelius, Geschichte.. ., 197.
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