A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

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control amounts to possession or ownership can only be understood
from the circumstances of the case. There are also exceptions, as in
HL 74, where someone injures another’s ox and the “lord of the
ox” says, “I will take my own ox.” It is unclear whether the culprit
was a possessor (through hire or lease) or a malicious neighbor.

6.2 Tenure

Officials were not remunerated by way of salary; instead, they were
granted the exploitation of land as a means of providing an income.
HL deal with this topic in 39, 40, 41, 46, 47a and b, XXXVI,
XXXVII, and XXXIX. The services to be rendered in exchange
are called sa¢¢anand luzzi.

6.2.1 sa¢¢an is personal service to the king through the supply of
cattle, donkeys, cheese, rennet, butter or wool.^65 According to HL
51, the dependants and relatives of a weaver provide this service,
which may be called royal service.

6.2.2 luzziis provided by harvesters, coppersmiths, and gardeners
in a fortress (HL 56) and a temple, and by servants of a mausoleum
(“stone house”) or of a prince.^66 This form of service may be called
general service.

6.2.3 In HL 47a (manuscript A II 43) and 51, and in Ma{at Letter
no. 52,^67 the two terms appear together in hendiadys: sa¢¢an luzzi.
This is presumably a collective term for both services, meaning sim-
ply services of any kind that are owed in the public interest. It could
be taken as rendering obsolete the somewhat obscure regulations of
the above paragraphs, in which case the result would be that in the
late period there was only a single undifferentiated service.

6.2.4 If a person owing sa¢¢angives a field in lease and the lessee
is unwilling to bear the burden of the service owed, he may relin-
quish the lease. The lessor must then take it over himself or pro-
vide a substitute.^68

(^65) Haase, “Anmerkungen zum... Lehensrecht.. .,” 137.
(^66) Ibid.
(^67) Alp, Hethitische Briefe.. ., ad loc.
(^68) Haase, “Anmerkungen zum... Lehensrecht.. .,” 139.
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