A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

   641

  1. C

7.1 The study of Hittite law is hampered by the complete lack of
private contractual documents. The reason is that the Hittites wrote
not only on imperishable clay but also on perishable wood, as the
profession of “scribe of wooden tablets” (LÚDUB.SAR.GI”) attests.^78
The importance of this profession is underlined by the fact that the
scribes are subordinate to a dignitary with the title “Great One of
the Scribes” (GAL.DUB.SARME”). The only information on regular
contracts is provided by HL, written on clay. The following topics
are touched upon: workers (75, 150, 158, 161), doctors (10, IX),
family (29), sale (177, 183, 186), hire (78, 151, 152, 157), and crafts-
men (144, 145, 160, 161).

7.2 There is no information on the formation of private contracts.
Some indication of the possible pattern may lie in loyalty oaths,
which speak of a “binding” (is¢iul) between emperor and vassal.

7.3 Labor Contract

HL attests to four contracts for the hire of persons (= locatio conduc-
tio operarum), in which a person makes his own labor available for
various services and receives a wage in return. The following work
is mentioned: harnessing of various animals (75), binding of sheaves
(158), harnessing a team of oxen (159). In one case (150), hire for
wages is mentioned, without further specification. HL 144 mentions
a barber’s assistant who ruins his scissors.

7.4 Physician

It is known that there were senior and junior physicians in Hattusa,
that the doctor received a fee for his services, and that he func-
tioned as an exorcist.^79
HL are concerned only with the doctor’s fee. HL 10 mentions it
in connection with illness due to injury; the culprit must pay the
medical costs. The later version, IX, distinguishes between treatment
of a free and a semi-free person. In the first case the doctor receives
three shekels; in the second, only two.

(^78) Güterbock, “Das Siegeln.. .,” 33–35.
(^79) Burde, Texte, 10f.
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