A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

650     Theft also includes kidnapping (HL 19–21), since persons
may be owned or at least subject to the rights of one who has con-
trol over them, if semi-free. Tablet 1 lists the theft of a series of animals (HL 57ff.),
ranging from oxen, pigs, and dogs, to bees.^100 This takes up roughly
half the provisions in the tablet. Tablet 2 contains only about thirty
relevant provisions, mostly connected with agriculture. To these belong
also provisions concerning arson (105 and 106) and diversion of irri-
gation water (162). It is noteworthy that Tablet 2 contains five provisions con-
cerning damage to vineyards (101, 105, 107, 108, and 113). Wine
(wiyana-) was evidently an important commodity. In a royal direc-
tive to a border commander named Himmuili, it is stated: “The
grapes should be harvested. No damage should be done to them.”^101
A senior official at the royal court bears the title “Great One of the
Wine” (GAL.GE”TIN). HL 162 punishes illicit tampering with the main canal in
an area of irrigated fields.^102 The damage consists in illicit excava-
tion or diversion of the water. HL 25 imposes a fine for the contamination of some kind
of water container.^103 HL 149 deals with a fraudulent seller. After conclusion of
the sale but before delivery, he falsely claims that the ox for which
payment has been made (in a variant version, it is a man) has died,
and he therefore is no longer under a duty to deliver. If the fraud
is discovered, he must pay two “heads.”^104

(^100) Koro“ec, “Sistematika...”
(^101) Alp, Hethitische Briefe.. ., no. 31.
(^102) Haase, “Wasserrecht.. .,” 224f.
(^103) Hoffner, Laws.. ., 131.
(^104) Haase, “Kaufrechtliche Bestimmungen.. .,” 17–21.
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