A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

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The sigla used for publications of cuneiform sources in this chapter refer to the fol-
lowing entries in the bibliography:

Abr. Nah. D. Snell, “The Cuneiform Tablet from El-Qitar”
ASJ see A. Tsukimoto
AO D. Arnaud, “La Syrie du moyen Euphrate”
Dalley S. Dalley and B. Tessier, “Tablets from the Vicinity of Emar”
DM 1, 249–61 J. Meyer and G. Wilhelm, “Eine spätbronzezeitliche Keilschriftur-
Ekalte W. Mayer, Tall Munbaqa—Ekalte —II.Die Texte
Emar D. Arnaud, Recherches au pays d’A“tata
Fales F.M. Fales, Prima dell’Alfabeto
Owen D. Owen, “Pasuri-Dagan and Ini-Tessup’s Mother”
RE G. Beckman, Texts from the Vicinity of Emar
Semitica D. Arnaud, “Mariage et remariage”
Sigrist M. Sigrist, “Seven Emar Tablets”
SMEA D. Arnaud, “Tablettes de genres divers”
TBR D. Arnaud, Textes Syriens de l’age du Bronze récent
Westenholz J. Westenholz, The Emar Tablets


Adamthwaite, M. Late Hittite Emar. Louvain: Peeters, 2001.
Arnaud, D. Recherches au pays d’A“tata. Emar VI.1–4. Paris: ERC, 1985–87.
——. “La Syrie du moyen Euphrate sous le protectorat hittite: Contrats de droit
privé,” AO5 (1987) 211–41.
——.Textes Syriens de l’age du Bronze récent. AO, Suppl. 1. Barcelona: AUSA, 1991.
——. “Tablettes de genres divers du Moyen-Euphrate,” Studi Micenei e Egeo-Anatolici
30 (1992) 195–245.
——. “Le vocabulaire de l’héritage dans les textes syriens du Moyen-Euphrate à
la fin de l’âge du Bronze récent,” Studi epigrafici e linguistici12 (1995) 21–26.
——. “Mariage et remariage des femmes chez les Syriens du Moyen-Euphrate,”
Semitica46 (1996) 7–16.
Beckman, G. “Three Tablets from the Vicinity of Emar,” JCS 40 (1988) 61–68.
——. “Family Values on the Middle Euphrates.” In New Horizons in the Study of
Ancient Syria, ed. M. Chavalas and J. Hayes. Bibliotheca Mesopotamia 25. Malibu:
Undena, 1992, 57–79.
——. “Hittite Administration in Syria in the Light of the Texts from Hattu“a,
Ugarit, and Emar,” New Horizons in the Study of Ancient Syria, ed. M. Chavalas and
J. Hayes. Bibliotheca Mesopotamia 25. Malibu: Undena, 1992, 41–49.
——. “Hittite Provincial Administration in Anatolia and Syria,” Atti del II Congresso
di Hittitologia(1995) 19–37.
——.Texts from the Vicinity of Emar in the Collection of Jonathan Rosen. HANEM 2.
Padua: Sargon, 1996.
——. “Emar Notes,” N.A.B.U.1996/121,122.
——. “Real Property Sales at Emar.” In Crossing Boundaries and Linking Horizons (St.
Michael Astour), ed. G. Young et al. Bethesda, Md.: CDL Press, 1997, 95–120.
Belotto, N. “I LÚ.MES.a¢-¢i-a a Emar,” AoF22 (1995) 210–28.
Bunnens, G. “Le sufète du port d’Emar,” Reflets des Deux Fleuves: Mélanges Finet.
Akkadica Suppl. 6. Leuven: Peeters, 1989, 27–29.

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