A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

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8.2 Punishment
AT 17 (discussed in 5.1.1 above) records the confiscation of prop-
erty of a criminal (bèl masikti) who was put to death because of his
crime (arnu). Unfortunately, the text does not give us any clue as to
its nature, although some kind of political crime, perhaps treason,
seems most likely. In this regard, it is possible that a broken pas-
sage of the treaty text AT 2 contained a provision on political con-
spiracy also associated with the death penalty. It seems clear that
execution was supervised by the king.
Another kind of punishment consisted in being placed in prison
(bìt kiliin AT 48, discussed in 4.3.2, 7.3.2, and 7.3.5 above) or in
the ‘workhouse’ (bìt nupàri), an institution which is also known at
Nuzi. Unfortunately, our text (AT 90) only records the final confine-
ment of two men and does not refer to the grounds for the penalty.


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