A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

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king has “taken (perhaps, in this case, confiscated) and given” to a
new holder (RS 16.145).
Under the category of ¢ì†u, qualified as ¢ì†u rabû“great crime,”
we find the forgery of the dynastic seal and the subsequent forgery
of royal legal documents (viz., titles to property). Another “great
crime” is the ground for the dynastic divorce of 'Ammi∆tamru II
and the Amurrite princess (see above), and ¢ì†u is again used to
describe the plot against King 'Ammi∆tamru II by his two sons.
The forgery was punishable with death, although the king, per-
haps in an act of clemency, decided to send the culprits into exile
(RS 16.249). Exile, too, was the punishment for the crimes com-
mitted by 'Ammi∆tamru’s sons and wife, though in this case, he later
changed his mind and executed her in spite of the possible diplo-
matic consequences.
Finally, one should also mention here the plot against the king by
a scribe who took over one of the towns of the kingdom. He was
put to death by a certain Gabànu, who was rewarded by the king
with a gift of real estate and exemption from service (RS 16.269).


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