A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

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in Elephantine (reign of Osorkon II) records an inspection of prob-
lematic conditions in the condition of the temple domain of Khnum.^112
The god is asked concerning the steps to be taken. The officials of
the temple take an oath to maintain proper practices.
The “herald,” (w ̇m.w), an official often associated with legal mat-
ters in the New Kingdom and earlier, is less apparent in the Third
Intermediate period.^113

2.2.4 Local Government
The local officials become increasingly independent during such times
of central weakness.^114 The ancient title ̇3ty-', “local prince, nomarch,
mayor,” still appears in Third Intermediate and Saite period texts.^115
Very influential are such individuals as the Fourth Prophet of Amun,
Montuemhet, the “mayor of the town (= Thebes)” and “Governor
of Upper Egypt” during the Nubian and Assyrian periods.^116 He is
called the “King of Thebes” in the Annals of Assurbanipal.^117 These
“mayors of the city” and the fourth prophets of Amun in the Nubian
period seem to usurp the power formerly held by the High Priest
of Amun.^118 One could apparently be the “mayor” of several cities
or towns at the same time.^119 There are other powerful “local” officials
in this period, such as the “Shipmaster of Herakleopolis.” This title,
only attested at the very beginning of the Saite period, may have
come into existence under the Nubian Dynasty (Twenty-fifth).^120
Given the fragmented nature of the Egypt at this time, it is not
possible to generalize about local administration in the Third Inter-
mediate period. The bureaucratic mechanism by means of which the
above-mentioned “mayors” enacted their decisions is obscure.

(^112) Seidlmayer, “Elephantine.. .,” 331; Zibelius-Chen, “Nubienpolitik.. .,” 338.
(^113) Redford, “Studies in Relations.. .,” 144; Jansen-Winkeln,Ägyptische Biogra-
phien.. ., 92.
(^114) James, “Egypt.. .,” 707.
(^115) Trigger et al., Social History.. ., 251 (mention in text of Psamtik I). On the
office of ̇3ty-'in the Late period, see Meeks, “Donations.. .,” 636–37.
(^116) Kitchen, Third International Period.. ., 390; Assmann, Das Grab des Basa.. ., 21.
See also Breasted, Ancient Records.. ., vol. 4, 458–65; Bierbrier, “Montuemhet,” col. 204.
(^117) Vittmann, Priester und Beamte.. ., 172. Cf. also Onasch, Die assyrischen Eroberungen
Ägyptens, 119.
(^118) Strudwick and Strudwick, Thebes in Egypt, 41. See also James, “Egypt.. .,” 705.
(^119) Vittmann, Priester und Beamte.. ., 179.
(^120) Kitchen, Third International Period.. ., 234. See Vittmann, Papyrus Rylands 9...,
131, and his commentary on the relevant lines.
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