A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

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domain of Amun (estimated at 10 percent).”^284 Parties to lease agree-
ments state in Twenty-fifth Dynasty documents that they cannot
withdraw without penalty from a land-lease agreement.^285

7.7 Partnership

Several persons may own or lease property in common. In one col-
lection of texts a group of choachytes lease and sub-lease land
together.^286 The time period and purpose are not stated. The for-
mat of these texts, with some variations, is:

  1. Date

  2. Parties

  3. Statement: “It is we who have said to you.”^287

  4. Oath

  5. Witnesses

In P. Louvre E 7856, a choachyte speaks to five men, some his
peers, concerning a plot of endowment field allotted to the six of
them to cultivate. The lessor of the field is not known. Donker van
Heel notes that “it appears to be the written agreement between six
co-lessors following the oral conclusion of a land lease.”^288 The doc-
ument concludes with an assurance or guarantee that the terms of
the arrangement will not be disputed.^289

  1. C D

8.1 Homicide

Little can be said about homicide, premeditated or otherwise, in the
Third Intermediate period. According to the Twenty-first Dynasty
Banishment Stela, the murderer is punished by death.^290 In the Ora-

(^284) Donker Van Heel, “Papyrus Louvre E 7856 Verso and Recto,” 97.
(^285) Donker van Heel, “Papyrus Louvre E 7852.. .,” 93.
(^286) Ibid., 82.
(^287) On the variety of forms of the statements, see ibid., 92.
(^288) Donker van Heel, “Papyrus Louvre E 7856 Verso and Recto,” 92.
(^289) Ibid., 102.
(^290) Hoch and Orel, “Murder.. .,” 91, 113; but the passage is problematic (von
Beckerath, “Stele.. .,” 35). They also quote the “Piankhy Prohibition Stela.. .,” in
which “certain individuals are banned from the local temple, apparently for hav-
ing plotted murder [of an innocent man],” (“Murder.. .,” 114). See also Leahy,
“Death by Fire...”
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