outlook: aramaeans outside of syria 315
remarks: according to lipiński 2000a: 450f identical with raḫīqu, which
is hardly correct.
4.34 Rubbû
Bibliography: Brinkman 1968: 270. Zadok 1985a: 65. lipiński 2000a: 445.
lipiński 2003: 342. streck 2006–2008a.
designated as “aramaean”: tiglath-pileser iii.
4.35 Rummulūtu
Bibliography: Brinkman 1968: 270, 272. Zadok 1985a: 78 no. 225. lipiński
2000a: 451. lipiński 2003: 342.
designated as “aramaean”: tiglath-pileser iii.
4.36 Rupūʾu
Bibliography: Brinkman 1968: 270, 283f. Zadok 1985a: 78 no. 224. fuchs
1994: 422. tadmor 1994: 159 n. 5. Cole 1996b: index, p. 135. lipiński
2000a: 439f. fuchs – parpola 2001: xvii. lipiński 2003: 340f. streck
designated as “aramaean”: tiglath-pileser iii.
Geography: Northeastern Babylonia (?) (Brinkman 1968: 283f ). On the
bank of the tigris (fuchs 1994: 422). “ranging from the environs of
Nippur northwest to the middle euphrates” (Cole 1996b: 17).
references: for the Šamšī-ilu reference, see rima 3, 232: 10. see Cole 1996a:
index, p. 443. saa 15, 186: 11: the tribe “crossed” the tigris together with
the tribes of itūʾu and liʾtawu. Or Ns 68, 37: 31 (sargon ii, tang-i Var).
4.37 Ruʾūja
Bibliography: Brinkman 1968: 270. Brinkman 1984: 13. Zadok 1985a: 64f;
- Zadok 1985b: 261f s.v. ruʾa. frame 1992: 44 n. 74, 46f. fuchs 1994:
- Cole 1996b: 17, 29, 39 n. 117. lipiński 2000a: 464–466. fuchs –
parpola 2001: xvii–xix. da riva 2002: 197 n. 485 and 378 n. 862. lipiński
2003: 346. streck 2006–2008c.
designated as “aramaean”: tiglath-pileser iii and sennacherib (isimu 6,
135: 13, on the surappu).
Geography: “Near Nippur” (Brinkman 1984: 13). members of the tribe were
caught by Nippurians (Zadok 1985a: 65). in southeastern Babylonia
along the elamite border (Zadok 1985a: 64). On the bank of the tigris
(fuchs 1994: 422). On the tigris, in the regions of Nippur and uruk
(streck 2006–2008c). “die aramäische siedlung von ruʾa liegt in der
Nähe von Babylon” (da riva 2002: 378 n. 862).