Bibliography 543
İnalcık 1955: Halil İnalcık, “Land problems in Turkish history”, The Muslim world 45
(1955), 221–228 (also in İnalcık, The Ottoman Empire: Conquest, organization and
economy. Collected studies, London 1978).
İnalcık 1962: Halil İnalcık, “The rise of Ottoman historiography”, in B. Lewis – P. M. Holt
(eds), Historians of the Middle East, London 1962, 152–167.
İnalcık 1965: Halil İnalcık, “Adâletnâmeler”, Türk tarih belgeleri dergisi II/3–4 (1965),
İnalcık 1967: Halil İnalcık, “Kutadgu Bilig’de Türk ve İran siyaset nazariye ve gele-
nekleri”, Reşit Rahmeti Arat İçin, Ankara 1967, 259–271.
İnalcık 1969a: Halil İnalcık, “Suleiman the Lawgiver and Ottoman law”, Archivum
Ottomanicum 1 (1969), 105–138 (also in İnalcık, The Ottoman Empire: Conquest,
organization and economy. Collected studies, London 1978).
İnalcık 1969b: Halil İnalcık, “Capital formation in the Ottoman Empire”, The Journal of
economic history 19 (1969), 97–140 (also in İnalcık, The Ottoman Empire: Conquest,
organization and economy. Collected studies, London 1978).
İnalcık 1969–1970: Halil İnalcık, “The policy of Mehmed II toward the Greek popula-
tion of Istanbul and the Byzantine buildings of the city”, Dumbarton Oaks Papers
23/24 (1969–1970), 231–249 (also in İnalcık, The Ottoman Empire: Conquest, organi-
zation and economy. Collected studies, London 1978).
İnalcık 1972: Halil İnalcık, “The Ottoman decline and its effects upon the reaya”, in
Henrik Birnbaum – Speros Vryonis, Jr. (eds), Aspects of the Balkans: Continuity and
change, The Hague 1972, 338–354 (also in İnalcık, The Ottoman Empire: Conquest,
organization and economy. Collected studies, London 1978).
İnalcık 1973: Halil İnalcık, “Application of the Tanzimat and its social effects”, Archivum
Ottomanicum 5 (1973), 97–128 (also in İnalcık, The Ottoman Empire: Conquest,
organization and economy. Collected studies, London 1978).
İnalcık 1977: Halil İnalcık, “Tursun Beg, historian of Mehmed the Conqueror’s time”,
Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 69 (1977), 55–71.
İnalcık 1980: Halil İnalcık, “Military and fiscal transformation in the Ottoman Empire,
1600–1700”, Archivum Ottomanicum 6 (1980), 283–337 (also in İnalcık, Studies in
Ottoman social and economic history, London 1985).
İnalcık 1992a: Halil İnalcık, “Islamization of Ottoman laws on land and land tax”, in
Ch. Fragner – K. Schwarz (eds), Festgabe an Josef Matuz: Osmanistik – Turkologie –
Diplomatik, Berlin 1992, 101–118.
İnalcık 1992b: Halil İnalcık, “Comments on ‘Sultanism’: Max Weber’s typification of the
Ottoman polity”, Princeton papers in Near Eastern studies 1 (1992), 49–73.
İnalcık 1993: Halil İnalcık, “Dervish and sultan: An analysis of the Otman Baba vilâyet-
nâmesi”, in Grace Martin Smith – Carl W. Ernst (eds), Manifestations of sainthood in
Islam, Istanbul 1993, 209–223.