The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1

Israel thoroughly discussed the matter. At the end of the discussion, the government
adopted the decision proposed by the Prime Minister:
Outposts and settlements in the administered areas are established solely ac-
cording to the decisions of the government. The government will prevent any attempt
to occupy a location or establish a settlement without its approval and decision.
The Prime Minister and the Minister of Defence are authorized to implement this
I see no need to describe the course of events. The government’s decision was car-
ried out. The Israel Defence Forces acted according to orders. I cannot say that the
people evacuated the place of their own free will, but their evacuation was carried out
without it being necessary to adopt measures which we wished to avoid so long as it
was possible to carry out the evacuation without resorting to them.
We acted irrespective of considerations of prestige, but consistently and according
to plan. It was clear to the people in Sebastia that there would be no negotiations with
them on settlement elsewhere before they evacuated Sebastia. In determining the tim-
ing of the operation, we took into account the observance of the Sabbath and the
Ninth of Av fast. The timetable we adopted enabled the people to realize the strength
of the government’s determination, to consider their actions, and to choose evacua-
tion without a clash with the I.D.F. I regard this event as a test of the inner strength
of Israeli society and not as a test of strength for the I.D.F. I am glad that we have
saved ourselves pain and shame—and perhaps even more.
Members of the Knesset,
In the basic principles of the government’s policy, it is stated that we will work
for the continuation of settlement in accordance with the decisions that the govern-
ment of Israel will adopt. This undertaking is being carried out, in practice. The pol-
icy on this subject has been repeatedly clarified and the Knesset has also decided to
hold a debate on the matter. I must therefore emphasize at the outset of my remarks
that in this statement I shall not discuss plans and criteria, possibilities and limitations
affecting our actions in the sphere of settlement.
Today, after the events of last week, the Knesset must first of all discuss the pub-
lic and national significance of the incident in order to resolve once again that in the
state of Israel the procedures of the rule of law shall be maintained and no one shall
be permitted to violate them. This is vital for the democratic stability of Israeli soci-
ety. It is vital for the continuation of responsible action in the sphere of settlement.
The Knesset cannot evade its duty to resolve once again that the law in Israel is
binding on all citizens in various fields, including settlement in the administered areas.
Our country protects the rights of the citizen and respects his liberty, but these pre-
cious principles cannot be preserved without meticulous compliance with the laws
enacted to the Knesset.
The rules were violated in the Sebastia incident. Members of the group which con-
centrated in Sebastia met me and a few of my ministerial colleagues before they decided
on this inadmissible act. We explained to them the policy of the government, which
engages in rural and urban settlement in keeping with an order of priorities, security,
political and settlement considerations, possibilities and limitations. During the meet-
ings, principal proposals were made to them and other locations designated where the
population is sparse and its reinforcement vital. They were promised consideration of
specific proposals. They were not convinced. From the course of the meetings it was

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