The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1

You who disturbed the rest of the occupiers for years, let us teach the occupa-
tion a lesson it will never forget, we will teach the occupation that its policy of clos-
ing down educational institutions, universities, institutes, and schools will bring it
nothing but trouble. Just recently the occupation authorities closed down all the edu-
cational institutions. Let us transform the masses of students in the villages, the
camps, and the cities, mobilizing them for the school of revolution, the schools of
the struggle in the streets, so that they can help shake and burn the ground under
the feet of the occupiers. Let us therefore organize the ranks and mobilize all the stu-
dent forces from the schools of the struggle in order to escalate and advance our
people’s heroic uprising.
Our heroic taxi and bus drivers and owners of taxi companies,
Having seen your actions in previous strikes, the United National Command calls
on you to desist from activity completely in all places on the strike days, with the
exception of Friday. We urge you to cooperate with the national and popular com-
mittees and to punish the few drivers who do not accede to the obligatory call.
To the sector of doctors and health services,
We call on you to remain vigilant and to join immediately the medical commit-
tees and bodies that are organizing medical-aid activities in the camps and besieged
locales that have been adversely affected. We also call on all doctors, pharmacists, male
nurses, and lab technicians to take part in these aid actions in the camps and in the
occupied areas where the medical situation is poor and disease is rampant due to siege,
the starving of the population, and the use of noxious and suffocating gas.
To the owners of the warehouses and the drugs industry and the pharmacies,
We call on you to contribute medicines and equipment to the medical commit-
tees and the medical bodies to enable our wounded to receive free treatment.
To the owners of the national capital and all persons of means,
We call on you to take a substantial part in contributing merchandise and goods
as well as funds, in order to supply food to the camps and the besieged areas that have
been adversely affected. Contributions should be made to the national and popular
committees and to the local supply committees [lijan al-tamwin].
To the academics and practitioners of the various professions,
The uprising needs the effort of each and every one of you. You must join the
national and popular committees and the functional committees, take an active part
in the uprising, in the supply and aid operations, or do literary writing, compose
poems, sons, and slogans, take part in information campaigns, organize marches and
sit-down strikes against the occupation policy.
The PLO and the Uprising Command take pride in the large forces of the masses
that have been given expression in our people’s heroic uprising. We urge you to con-
tinue escalating the uprising in accordance with the mission sand slogans already deter-
mined. We also call for the closing of all the streets—main and side streets—in the
villages, camps, and towns to prevent the movement of soldiers on these streets. Like-
wise the closing of the roads leading to settlements in order to block the access of the
Let Palestinian flags be raised over every house and building, over the churches
and the turrets of the mosques.
We say yes to our people’s right of return, self-determination, and building an
independent national state.

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