The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1


Hamas Government Platform

MARCH20, 2006

[The following translation is reproduced verbatim as it appears on the Web site of the Pales-
tine Information Center, a department of the Palestinian Authority’s State Information

  1. Removing Occupation and building the Independent Palestinian state with whole
    sovereignty with Jerusalem its capital.
    2. Keeping on the Palestinian refugees’ right of return to their homes and their
    properties as the individuals and a public right could not be abandoned.
    3. Working on releasing all the prisoners, facing the occupation’s procedures on
    earth, especially; Judaizing Jerusalem, annexing the valleys, expanding settlements, tear-
    ing down the West Bank, apartheid separation wall and the practices resulted, facing
    the collective sanctions, rejecting blackmailing and rapping the Authority’ merits.
    4. Resistance with all its forms is a legal right for the Palestinian people to end
    the occupation and regaining the people’s national rights that legally could not be
    5. Holding comprehensive reforms for the internal situation, building the people
    and society’s institutions on democratic basics that guarantee justice, equality and part-
    nership, practicing political variety, acting the jurisdiction of law, separating between
    authorities, enabling that the judiciary is independent as well as protecting it, guaran-
    teeing the private and public freedoms.
    6. Building our different national institutions on national and professional bases
    far away from appropriation and factionalism.
    7. The government confirmed adherence to implement Cairo understandings and
    talks held on March 2005 between the Palestinian national and Islamic factions over
    the issue of PLO and its institutions.
    8. Dealing with all previous agreements assigned between PNA and Israelis, the
    government has the right for reconsidering depending on respecting the international
    law, and applying its texts in respecting Palestinian people’s rights and interests.
    Among other points of the agenda, the government will deal with the interna-
    tional resolutions that save and protect the Palestinian people and their interests.
    Cooperating with the international community in order to remove the Israeli occu-
    pation from the 1967-occupied territories including east Jerusalem, as a proposal to
    accomplish stability and calm in the region, particularly, in this period.

SOURCE:Palestine Information Center of the Palestinian National Authority,

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