The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1


Hussein Message on

the Invasion of Kuwait and the

International Response

AUGUST12, 1990

In the name of God the merciful, the compassionate. So as to contribute to creating
an atmosphere of true peace in the region, to facilitate placing the region in a state of
stability, to expose the falsehood of America and its deformed midget ally, Israel, to
expose its small agents and their crimes against the nation, and to reaffirm right from
a position of strength with faith in God, the people, and the nation, we have decided
to propose the following initiative:
The United States has tried to cover its moves, which are hostile to humanity and
the region’s peoples, on the pretext that the decisions of the economic boycott of Iraq
constitute a protest against Iraq’s assistance to the people of Kuwait, who have saved
themselves from the al-Sabah rule. Then it lost its mind when the Kuwaitis and the
Iraqis decided to reconnect what British colonialism severed between Iraq and Kuwait,
when Kuwait had been part of Iraq until World War I. Iraq had not recognized the
crime perpetrated by colonialism until the present time. Later, the United States began
to mass war fleets and aircraft squadrons, and to beat the drums of war against Iraq
on the pretext of confronting Iraqi threats to Saudi Arabia. Because the spark of war,
if it begins, will burn many people and inflict many catastrophes on those who are in
its field; and in order to state facts as they are to world public opinion in general, and
Western public opinion in particular, and to expose the falsehood of the assertions of
the United States that it supports people’s causes and rights, and that it seeks to main-
tain security and the West’s interests only, I propose that all issues of occupation, or
the issues that have been depicted as occupation in the entire region, be resolved in
accordance with the same bases, principles, and premises to be set by the UN Secu-
rity Council, as follows:
First, the preparation of withdrawal arrangements in accordance with the same
principals for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Israel from the occu-
pied Arab territories in Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon, Syria’s withdrawal from
Lebanon, a withdrawal between Iraq and Iran, the formulation of arrangements for
the situation in Kuwait, and that the timing of the military arrangements and related
political arrangements which must apply to all cases and in accordance with the same
bases, principles, and premises, taking into consideration the historic rights of Iraq in
its territory and the Kuwaiti people’s choice, provided the implementation of the pro-
gram begins with the oldest occupation, or what was called occupation, beginning with
the enforcement of all applicable UN Security Council and UN resolutions, until we
get to the most recent occupation, and on condition that the same measures passed
by the UN Security Council against Iraq be adopted against any party that fails to
obligate itself or comply with this arrangement.


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