The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

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Second, with the purpose of displaying the facts to world public opinion to judge
in accordance with objective conditions apart from U.S. wishes and pressure, we pro-
pose the immediate withdrawal from Saudi Arabia of U.S. Forces and the other forces
that responded to its conspiracy—they will be replaced by Arab forces whose number,
nationality, duties, and location will be defined by the UN Security Council, assisted
by the UN secretary-general. The nationality of the military forces between Iraq and
Saudi Arabia will also be agreed upon, on the condition that the forces of the Gov-
ernment of Egypt, which the United States used in carrying out its plot against the
Arab nation, be excluded.
Third, all boycott and siege decisions against Iraq shall be frozen immediately.
Matters should return to normal in the economic, political, and scientific dealings
between Iraq and the rest of the world. These resolutions should not be discussed and
implemented again except when they are violated in light of what is stated above in
items one, two, and three.
However, if America and its small agents do not respond to our initiative we, the
good sons of the Arab nation and the great Iraqi people, will strongly resist its evil
intentions and aggressive schemes. We will triumph, with God’s help, and the evil-
doers will regret their actions after they leave the region defeated, cursed, and humil-
iated. God is great. Cursed be the lowly.

[Signed] Saddam Husayn, on 12 August 1990, corresponding to 21 Muharram 1411

SOURCE: Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Near East and South Asia, August 13, 1990,
Iraq 48–49.


U.S.-Soviet Statement on the

Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait


With regard to Iraq’s invasion and continued military occupation of Kuwait, Presi-
dent Bush and President Gorbachev issue the following joint statement:

We are united in the belief that Iraq’s aggression must not be tolerated. No peace-
ful international order is possible if larger states can devour their smaller neighbors.
We reaffirm the joint statement of our Foreign Ministers of August 3, 1990 and our
support for United Nations Security Council Resolutions 660, 661, 662, 664 and 665.
Today, we once again call upon the Government of Iraq to withdraw uncondi-
tionally from Kuwait, to allow the restoration of Kuwait’s legitimate government, and
to free all hostages now held in Iraq and Kuwait.

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